Friday, March 12, 2010

I love even week.

Salam to all.

2nd week of class finally ended. And I'll tell you why I love even week.

First, no LAB.
Second, no LAB means class ends at 2.00 pm on most days.
Third, no LAB means enjoyyyyy after class ends at 2.00 pm on most days.

Alright then, you get the idea right?

Highlight of the week:

  1. Chem 110 : Dr. Judy, as usual, her lecture style is 'sempoi'. There's this one day when she brought a doll (like my Baby Kuning, but this one's much larger) and that doll was used to illustrate.. err.. sheesh, how come boleh lupa.. (refer to notes).. (sound of flipping paper).. Ah yes. To illustrate R/S determination in Enantiomers <-- bunyi macam cool kan? haha. And that was so funny! So basically this week we learnt a bit about functional groups ( continuation from last week) and a lot about Stereoisomerism.
  2. BioSci 107: Early in the week, we learnt Tissues.. Muscle tissue, nervous tissue.. Lecture was given by AP Clive Evans. Starting from Thursday, we started Human Development!! Yeay! Embryology and stuff! Cool! Serious cakap! All this plus really funny lecturer, memang best lah. Human Development's lecture was given by Dr. Fabiana Kubke. Her class I would say, was like a kindergarten. During the first lecture, we just followed her instruction to colour diagrams of embryo with Epiblast, Trophoblast and all and write bits of notes here and there. And what's amazing, at the end of the class, people clapped! Looks like everybody really enjoyed the lecture. -On a more personal note, I kinda yawn less during that lecture. Average yawn during normal lecture : 5 times. This time : 2 or less. haha.-
  3. PopHlth 101 - To be honest, sometimes, I really couldn't understand what we're suppose to know at the end of the lecture despite the Objective had been clearly stated. Somehow, attending the class creates more question than answer. I guess this is what Uni life is ay? And then the tutorial. My tutor is Dee. She's kinda cool but I kinda hate it when she mentioned ASSignment. assignment. ARGH! The ASSignment (sorry, couldn't help it this time :p ) is due 31st March. I guess, what I really like about Pop 101 is the bus ride to the serene and quiet Tamaki Campus! :DD - If I can get a seat, that is-
  4. PopHlth 111 - This class is more like Stats 101. What we basically learn was how to understand statistics. And put numbers on the PECOT. And calculate EGO and CGO. And do PeerWise (insyaAllah my points will exceed 2000 by the end of this week). Prevalence, Incidence. Aiyyoyo. And read journals (this one, it kinda make me feel smart :p ) During tutorial, (my tutor is Liza by the way), we filled Death Certificates. And do Age-Standardisation. And calculate Death Rate. (wow, it's kinda cool that I can recall what I learnt without referring to notes. looks like I paid attention in class and tutorials.. woohoo!)
Non-academic highlight of the week:

  1. Settled O'Rorke payment. Alhamdulillah.
  2. Movie watching (documentary by the way) haha. Friday evening.
  3. Successfully learnt printing techniques.
  4. Makan ayam + window shop at Queen Street.
  5. Played -horrible- volleyball in front of pros. Adeyh. Malu kot.
  6. Attended PhotoSoc AGM and 'Camera Basics' workshop. Free if you join PhotoSoc. :D At least, I can understand a bit la about apeture, shuttle speed, exposure and all those technical words. Can't wait for the FIELD TRIP!
  7. Attended 'Note-taking' workshop. Quite helpful. :)
  8. Pizza nite at my room.
Upcoming event:

  1. 2nd LABBBBBBBB session. Please remember to do Best Choice the day before lab, not the hour before lab.
  2. GDO 4. InsyaAllah on Sunday.
  3. Shopping at Dressmart. InsyaAllah.
  4. Field trip!!
;) Again, I just love even week.

1 comment:

:) amiir.ah said...

hey how come ur classes are SO FUN??! siap ade colouring class plak lol. i'd really enjoy dat, u know! let's switch places lah! i taw u ske mamat2 muke alim hensem2 kt uia ni...hahaha :D

glad to know u luv it there. <#