Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I -heart- Lab. Errr?

Salam to all.

Today started off quite well. First class today was POP 101 at Tamaki. I just love Tamaki campus. The bus ride to reach there and the small campus itself. It's kinda sunyi but I just love the cool air there. ;D

Intro to Pop 101 (Population Health 101 actually) was cool! (except that I have to shift to the right and shift to the left just so I can see my lecturer. Today's first lesson : Do NOT sit behind tall people.) The intro was mainly about health systems, the difference in healthcare system between the US and NZ, but not that in-depth.

After that, met Karen and Prof Cynthia at Grafton's cafe. It was nice to see them. Got a good good tip from Prof Cynthia (For every hour of your lecture, you must study for 2 hours). =.=' WORK HARD she stressed, again and again. Yes, prof! :D

And then, first session of CHEMISTRY LAB.

If you're one of my groupmates or Athirah during my time at Taylor's, you would probably have the idea of how much I 'like' (oh wait, 'LOVE') LAB SESSIONS. -the '..' sign is not typo error okay?

Anyway, the assignment just now was Chromatography. Couldn't be easier, right?

Nah.. I've never felt so dumb reading the instructions to do the Column Chromatography thingy. Seriouslyyyyyyyyy..

And I thought the supervisors would be helpful, well, sometimes they do, but MOST of the times, they just made me feel dumb-er.

Enough said. I was SO RELIEVED when I walked out of the dreaded house of poisons Chem Lab G092.

I couldn't care less of what's the result gonna be. ARGH!
I just hope I passed. Please pleaseeeee.. I'm targeting a 6 (the lowest passing grade).

So, second lesson for today: BE PREPARED.

p/s: did I mention I saw two Paris Hilton look-alike?

1 comment:

juetoby said...

chromatography? haha..pening gile aku blaja teori je..