Saturday, March 27, 2010


Salam to all.

Just to let you know, whenever I'm writing, that means I'm in an emotional state. Good mood, bad mood, whatever.

So I guess you can feel what my mood is for today thanks to this boring intro. *hint HINT*

I just came back from Rec Centre and no, I didn't go there for a workout. I thought of playing basketball but there's just a lot of terer guys. So yeah, confidence breakdown and stuff.

A month.

What have I gained? What have I learnt?

Well, I did learn a few Maori expressions.

Kia Ora - Greetings. Hello. Goodbye.

Ko (insert name here) toku ingua. - My name is (insert name here).

Thank you Cherie for being my teacher!

Improvement? yeah.

Yesterday was kinda fun.

After my class at Tamaki, I went for lunch, solat zohor and put on my red T-Shirt to volunteer for the Red Puppy Appeal with some of the 9th-floor people. Asked for donations from complete stranger at the corner of Queens St. and Wellesley St with Keri. Made a 'If you can see this, be grateful! Donate! Help the blind!' poster and proudly hold it up for people to ponder -and donate-.  In case you want to know, the money collected will be used to train guide dogs for the blind. Cherie, Tyler, Liz and Akune was there too. Our plead for donations didn't always get positive response but when someone put something into the bucket, we felt really glad and somehow, appreciated for our small effort. And it's a great feeling.

After that, went shopping at Kathmandu. I saw on TV about that store's great sale and I was really excited to go shopping! And I wasn't dissappointed! Yeay!! Really super duper discounts! Mwahahaha! <--euphoric response to discounts. normal.

I bought a $67 sleeping bag (used to be $170), $50 fleece pullover (used to be $100++ I think) and $20 kids pullover (used to be $99.90). You know what?? the kids pullover (and mind you, that one perfectly suit me! not too small and not that big!) was available in two colours. My first choice was the black one, but for God-knows-what-reason-that -I-really-just-couldn't-comprehend, it's $10 more expensive than the blue one. So I took the blue one. It looks err.. not-that-nice at first but after tyring it on, it looked kinda neat. And I have to stop buying black clothes.. I have a lot of them already. hoho.

After that, I walked all the way from the store, with two sleeping bags, one on each side, to my home. Yes, I love the place I'm staying right now.

I just love the big push-pin board I have in my room. I've put up maps, wall planner, and all sorts of stuff. I love my kerusi pusing pusing with wheels. I love my comfy duvet. I love the 3-inch view of the sea. I love the big mirror inside my wardrobe. I love my springy bed which is really dangerous because i don't feel like waking up in the morning, haha. I love the computer room, really handy especially now. I love the washing machine because it's kinda huge.

Okay. That's all for now. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not always, miss amiirah.

Salam to all. especially to my dearest friend, Amiirah.

Dear Amiirah,

yes, things did look good in the first two weeks. But now I'm gonna start my fourth week of class.

Now, I am suppose to do my assignments. And I am in no mood of doing so.
I feel so sleepy, and i don't have any idea of how to fight that. Well, maybe writing a few things here will kill the boredom.

The sky outside is also gloomy which I think kinda reflected what I feel now.




Okay, so I guess I don't really know what to say or what to right write now.

Oh wait, I do have something to say:  I wanna play volleyball!!!

But I have to finish that thing and read this and read that.

And the fact that I really screw up volleyball (among other things) don't actually help me to feel better.


Amii, mailah sini jalan2 wif me!



May Allah bless you and your family with the best of everything. :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Salam to all.

I just LOOOOOVEEEEEEEE Tamaki campus!!

Especially the library. It has the community library feel. And its interior is more homey.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Not even halfway.

Salam to all.

So, third week this week.

Last Sunday, we had a chit chat with medic seniors; 5th year and 6th year (aka TI or Training Interns.. I guess..) and said hi to a 2nd year HO (House Officer) who's just about to start his shift.

That's one of the 'open your mind, see the big picture' kind of talk which was actually a mix of yeayy and awwwww. Yeayy because I think it's kinda cool to talk to them as it sorta gave me the birds' eye-view of this whole medicine course. What I'm really interested in is :What's going to happen after graduation? BIG question. Uh-huh. To me it's still blurry but nevermind.. It's like a Form 1 student talking to a Form 5 about SPM, haha. There's a LOT of things this Form 1 student needs to go through before SPM. No doubt.

Awww because it's not going to be a smooth-sailing ride. Well, I'm a normal human being, right? Who likes to do things the hard way if given the choice, right??

It's just the start of the race. Better do it right.

Yeahhhhhhhh.. Semangat semangat!

It's a looooooooong road.
(Location : near Shakespear Bay.)

Keep running! And keep doing Best Choice~ <-- pesanan penaja.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I love even week.

Salam to all.

2nd week of class finally ended. And I'll tell you why I love even week.

First, no LAB.
Second, no LAB means class ends at 2.00 pm on most days.
Third, no LAB means enjoyyyyy after class ends at 2.00 pm on most days.

Alright then, you get the idea right?

Highlight of the week:

  1. Chem 110 : Dr. Judy, as usual, her lecture style is 'sempoi'. There's this one day when she brought a doll (like my Baby Kuning, but this one's much larger) and that doll was used to illustrate.. err.. sheesh, how come boleh lupa.. (refer to notes).. (sound of flipping paper).. Ah yes. To illustrate R/S determination in Enantiomers <-- bunyi macam cool kan? haha. And that was so funny! So basically this week we learnt a bit about functional groups ( continuation from last week) and a lot about Stereoisomerism.
  2. BioSci 107: Early in the week, we learnt Tissues.. Muscle tissue, nervous tissue.. Lecture was given by AP Clive Evans. Starting from Thursday, we started Human Development!! Yeay! Embryology and stuff! Cool! Serious cakap! All this plus really funny lecturer, memang best lah. Human Development's lecture was given by Dr. Fabiana Kubke. Her class I would say, was like a kindergarten. During the first lecture, we just followed her instruction to colour diagrams of embryo with Epiblast, Trophoblast and all and write bits of notes here and there. And what's amazing, at the end of the class, people clapped! Looks like everybody really enjoyed the lecture. -On a more personal note, I kinda yawn less during that lecture. Average yawn during normal lecture : 5 times. This time : 2 or less. haha.-
  3. PopHlth 101 - To be honest, sometimes, I really couldn't understand what we're suppose to know at the end of the lecture despite the Objective had been clearly stated. Somehow, attending the class creates more question than answer. I guess this is what Uni life is ay? And then the tutorial. My tutor is Dee. She's kinda cool but I kinda hate it when she mentioned ASSignment. assignment. ARGH! The ASSignment (sorry, couldn't help it this time :p ) is due 31st March. I guess, what I really like about Pop 101 is the bus ride to the serene and quiet Tamaki Campus! :DD - If I can get a seat, that is-
  4. PopHlth 111 - This class is more like Stats 101. What we basically learn was how to understand statistics. And put numbers on the PECOT. And calculate EGO and CGO. And do PeerWise (insyaAllah my points will exceed 2000 by the end of this week). Prevalence, Incidence. Aiyyoyo. And read journals (this one, it kinda make me feel smart :p ) During tutorial, (my tutor is Liza by the way), we filled Death Certificates. And do Age-Standardisation. And calculate Death Rate. (wow, it's kinda cool that I can recall what I learnt without referring to notes. looks like I paid attention in class and tutorials.. woohoo!)
Non-academic highlight of the week:

  1. Settled O'Rorke payment. Alhamdulillah.
  2. Movie watching (documentary by the way) haha. Friday evening.
  3. Successfully learnt printing techniques.
  4. Makan ayam + window shop at Queen Street.
  5. Played -horrible- volleyball in front of pros. Adeyh. Malu kot.
  6. Attended PhotoSoc AGM and 'Camera Basics' workshop. Free if you join PhotoSoc. :D At least, I can understand a bit la about apeture, shuttle speed, exposure and all those technical words. Can't wait for the FIELD TRIP!
  7. Attended 'Note-taking' workshop. Quite helpful. :)
  8. Pizza nite at my room.
Upcoming event:

  1. 2nd LABBBBBBBB session. Please remember to do Best Choice the day before lab, not the hour before lab.
  2. GDO 4. InsyaAllah on Sunday.
  3. Shopping at Dressmart. InsyaAllah.
  4. Field trip!!
;) Again, I just love even week.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Salam to all.

I had Chem 110 just now. Woke up late today.. So, arrived at FPAA (Fisher & Paykel Appliances Auditorium) just to find it full. And so, the three of us headed to OGGB 4 (Owen G. Glenn Building 4) and attended the live telecast of the same lecture. Kinda cool because the lecturer was much bigger here, haha. Learned about naming alkanes and nomenclature thingy.

Dr. Brittain (Judy) is really funny at times. She loves to draw smileys during her lecture, :D and that kinda reminds me of Mr. Yap. Aww, I miss him SO much!

After that was BioSci by Prof. Clive Evans. One thing for me to remember, ALWAYS read before his lecture. He's gonna go really really fast and just now, my hand was like running across the page scribbling what he said. Urgh, I hate it when I had to learn the hard way.. sob sob.

But BioSci was really interesting. Today's lecture was about Epithelial cell. The layers, basement membrane, epithelial tissue.. etc.etc..

Scribble scribble..

drawing and scribbling.. weeee~ :D

Can't wait for another BioSci lecture! <--positive giler budak nih. haha.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Domain :D Love it!

Salam to all.

Just so I wouldn't give a bad impression to the place I'm studying (this year and hopefully for the next 5 years, insyaAllah), I am posting this nice picture of us admiring (more like climbing. haha. well, we love climbing!) a tree near the Museum in Domain.

Auckland Domain is a biggggg park with lots and lots and lotssssss of trees. (I'm stressing the point because there's a lot of trees that I love) And the reason I love trees here in Domain is because they are so 'welcoming'. They have these big branches open up to you like a person having arms stretched wide to hug you.

Maybe you'll find me complaining a lot here in this blog. But well, I find it easier to write when I'm in not-so-good mood. haha.

Keep reading and I'll keep typing away~~~~ InsyaAllah.

I -heart- Lab. Errr?

Salam to all.

Today started off quite well. First class today was POP 101 at Tamaki. I just love Tamaki campus. The bus ride to reach there and the small campus itself. It's kinda sunyi but I just love the cool air there. ;D

Intro to Pop 101 (Population Health 101 actually) was cool! (except that I have to shift to the right and shift to the left just so I can see my lecturer. Today's first lesson : Do NOT sit behind tall people.) The intro was mainly about health systems, the difference in healthcare system between the US and NZ, but not that in-depth.

After that, met Karen and Prof Cynthia at Grafton's cafe. It was nice to see them. Got a good good tip from Prof Cynthia (For every hour of your lecture, you must study for 2 hours). =.=' WORK HARD she stressed, again and again. Yes, prof! :D

And then, first session of CHEMISTRY LAB.

If you're one of my groupmates or Athirah during my time at Taylor's, you would probably have the idea of how much I 'like' (oh wait, 'LOVE') LAB SESSIONS. -the '..' sign is not typo error okay?

Anyway, the assignment just now was Chromatography. Couldn't be easier, right?

Nah.. I've never felt so dumb reading the instructions to do the Column Chromatography thingy. Seriouslyyyyyyyyy..

And I thought the supervisors would be helpful, well, sometimes they do, but MOST of the times, they just made me feel dumb-er.

Enough said. I was SO RELIEVED when I walked out of the dreaded house of poisons Chem Lab G092.

I couldn't care less of what's the result gonna be. ARGH!
I just hope I passed. Please pleaseeeee.. I'm targeting a 6 (the lowest passing grade).

So, second lesson for today: BE PREPARED.

p/s: did I mention I saw two Paris Hilton look-alike?

1st Class 2nd Class

Salam to all.

My class started last Monday.. :D

Chem 110 = Intro. Exam marks breakdown.
BioSci 107 = The Shortest Class ever!! HAHA. Intro, exam marks breakdown.
Pop 111 = Intro to Pop Health 111. ;D My God, the class at FPAA was SO full, and OG4 was also full and I ended up at the video-live conference theater OG3.

Tuesday :
Chem 110 = Chemical bonding. sp2, sp3 stuff. Pi bond, Sigma bond.
BioSci 107 = Organisation of human body (6 levels). 4 basic tissue type and origins from 3 germ layers. 11 systems. I have to say that the amount of information was quite big for me to absorb at that time. hoho.
POP 111= Intro to Epidemiology. E: N/D/T :D