Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank you for waiting

Salam to all.

Yes, I do miss blogging and sometimes I do write in my head.

Haha, you miss me? Cut the crap :P

Anyway, since the last post, a LOT of things happen. But I guess they're mostly not Drama-dom material.

Where I am now?

Well, I'm currently sitting in my quite-comfortable chair with wheels, looking out to my window, which is sadly-but-I-must-be-grateful facing another apartment. Yes, I must stop complaining about not having direct sunlight into my room!!

I'm the one who willingly agree to take this room, the one used for storage during summer break. Oh, I must stop this self-sacrificial nonsense things!!

Just so you know, currently MJ and Akon's Hold My Hand is playing.

And I guess that's what I need lately. Alhamdulillah Romeo, my giant teddy bear, arrived 2 days ago. At least I have something to hug. :')

So what happened today?

Spent $10 for gym. 17 minutes on the bike and another 17 on the treadmill+hand jog item.

Then came home and studiedddd. Hahaha, I guess that's the first time when I'm really studying. 1 and a half hour of concentrated studying. If there is such word. Haha.

And now it's Fearless. 

Lately it's sorta a bit bumpy. I get frustrated easily and I tend to think the worst of any situation. I get impatient and irrational and it's just unfair coz I tend to crack at the wrong person. Hopefully she doesn't really notice. 

Now it's Elevator, which is a bit of a love-hate coz I am using the song as my Alarm. Haha.

Yesterday, I found out that it's POSSIBLE to get ALL A's throughout FIRST and SECOND year.


I got two conflicting responses.

One, I feel happy and motivated to know that it IS possible.

Two, I feel lousy coz my result last year wasn't that good, passed the Medic requirement but still~

This brings forth the issue of Usaha and Tawakkal.

Yes, if you were to ask me if I studied for my Sem 2 final exam, yes, I studiedddddddd.

Medsci was crazy giler susahhhhhhhhhh. Lots and lots of blank pages. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Expected a C or lower but alhamdulillah got a B.

Pop 102 was honestly much much better. I couldn't stop writing for the whole 2 hours coz Alhamdulillah the ideas keep flowing. I didn't miss any question though there was one or two sub-question I couldn't get through. I expected an A+ but got a B instead.
I'm quite sure I should ask for a recount of marks but somehow I didn't do it. Regret? I try not to.

Econs and Health Psych came out B+.


I'm still having problem with Tawakkal. Help me please?

I miss playing futsal. A lot.

Hopefully kak Zati can organise futsal again.

So that I can let them play with their new geng without feeling jealous that I'm not a guy.


I need the positive vibe.

Currently playing is Get it Right, Glee.

Spot on.

I miss Langkawi. Again.

1 comment:

Manissa Sufian said...

yes i've missed youuu! hehe :D