Sunday, June 20, 2010

POP goes my HEART.

Salam to all.

Firstly, enjoy this video.

Why? Because it clearly describes the first day of exam.

Hint: The chorus~ 


The CHALLENGE of the first day of exam ever at the University of Auckland for a BHSc OLY 1 student like me are jeng jeng jenggg:

POPPPP HEALTHHHHH. (10th June 2010, 0915 hours, OGGB 098)


BIOOOOSCCIEEEEE.. (10th June 2019, 1415 hours, OGGB 4)

So, it kinda match the POP and the HEART right? 

Seriously, it did. 

Pop 111 was superly hard and I was like superrr superr clueless when it comes to the MCQs. Argh!

I didn't expect 90% of the MCQs to be from Module 3 and 4.. ohhhh... it's seriously a disaster because the questions are not about the main content but more towards interpretation of the graphs. FYI, we have a LOT of graphs in this subject. Road Traffic Injury graphs, DALYs, Home injury graphs etc. etc. No point for me to elaborate further as I don't really think you'll 100% understand. 

So yeah, a "POP" for pop 111.

Now for the "HEART".

The last question for Biosci was about Heart muscle. As far as I can recall of what was in my textbook, I don't think there's something like QRS complex and stuff about heart contraction, being explained in detail. =.=' oh, maybe that was in the lecture? T.T adoi. 

Tu la baca buku teks aje. Tak revise slides skali. 

And again, the MCQs. Argh! I HAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTEEEEE THEM! Alhamdulillah, I think I can answer the ones related to neurons but when it comes to muscles, I feel like there's a big Question mark sign on top of my head. 

I did study muscle right? Right? 

Yes, I know I did! (but clearly it wasn't enough)

Redha. *deep breath*


For my FIRST day ever of my FIRST exam ever of my FIRST year ever in a university, for the FIRST time, I hate MCQs. 

I said I wasn't gonna lose my head, but then
POP! Goes my heart.
I wasn't gonna fall in love again, but then
POP! Goes my heart.
And I just can't let you go,
I can't lose this feeling.

[end of post]

//drafted on 10th June. Left unfinished because there were some chemical formulas that need to be crammed into my brain cells. Edited and posted on 20th June. Seriously, you don't have to read this.
But I appreciate that you actually did. :)

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