Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pesanan penaja.

Salam to all.

"Study Hard".

Fuh, tamparan hebat disitu. 


p/s: That is a picture taken during the Women's Inaugural Interfaculty Basketball Tournament. 31st May 2010.

Oh, boleh pulak harini pegi jolly jolly shopping dekat Glen Innes~

Kia Ora!
After that one and only class for the day (last night I was like 'Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!' and mind you, it's a one-hour class, yippie!) , Farah and I walked from the Tamaki campus to Pak and Save. Reason: To look see look see. Bought crab surimi and we ate outside the store like two hungry schoolchildren during break time. Haha. And then we entered a cool 2nd hand store. I think the profit they gained will be given to charity homes.. Whichhh makes me sooo happy to spend 2nzd on children's books!! I bought The Little Mermaid (happyyyyyyyyyy!!!), The Lion King (yeayyy!!) and another two books. Wee!

After that, we headed to the fruit stall just metres away. I quickly dived in for a packet of Golden Kiwi for 1.69nzd until I realised a few minutes later that they have cheaper ones. Sigh. But it's okay.. Mine got a free spoon+knife. :)) mwahahaha. 

We thought of going home by train but then we didn't have enough change. kesiannn.. I don't think the train accept eftpos~ 

So we went back to the streets of Glen Innes to find an ATM. 

Urgh, creative juices tak de la harini. Argh. 

As a conclusion, we bought food instead of withdrawing money, and walked back to Tamaki to take a free bus ride home at 1.30pm. 

The end.

Adoi, tak sedar diri exam dah dekat.. T.T

Pak Syed sure bangga. :)

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