Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First clinical skill :)

Salam to all.

It's exactly 0000, 23rd March.

In 9 hours, I have to be in Robb and hopefully insyaAllah listen to the lecture about cell injury. InsyaAllah I'll like it, I've already liked writing about liking it.

Please ignore.

Anyhow, I spent 3 hours doing the Auckland Day Out poster. Something I kinda enjoy but I wish I could do it faster next time.

What happened today was it's my first clinical skills practice!


Learnt some cool stuff like taking a pulse, checking thyroid, taking BP, listening to heartbeat, body fat measurement and checking temperature. There are other stations as well (hand washing, patient history taking, BMI calculation~~) but let's just say I like the earlier ones better ;)

And I had the annual flu vaccination. The rate of the doctor jabbing the patient was something like 25 people per half an hour? Well, that's what he had to do to jab all med and nursing students in 2 days.

Tried fish burger at M@G. Okay la. The fish is the normal fish and chips, cut in half and sandwiched between burger bread. For just $5.90, that's pretty sweet~~~ :D

Everyday $5.90~ 1 week = $29.50, 1 month = $118.


Oh, lapar balik :p

Must.. hafal... vitamins.... Must... eat... Must... do... test... next.. Thursday...

Seriously, I need a life other than books and Umsa events =.='

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank you for waiting

Salam to all.

Yes, I do miss blogging and sometimes I do write in my head.

Haha, you miss me? Cut the crap :P

Anyway, since the last post, a LOT of things happen. But I guess they're mostly not Drama-dom material.

Where I am now?

Well, I'm currently sitting in my quite-comfortable chair with wheels, looking out to my window, which is sadly-but-I-must-be-grateful facing another apartment. Yes, I must stop complaining about not having direct sunlight into my room!!

I'm the one who willingly agree to take this room, the one used for storage during summer break. Oh, I must stop this self-sacrificial nonsense things!!

Just so you know, currently MJ and Akon's Hold My Hand is playing.

And I guess that's what I need lately. Alhamdulillah Romeo, my giant teddy bear, arrived 2 days ago. At least I have something to hug. :')

So what happened today?

Spent $10 for gym. 17 minutes on the bike and another 17 on the treadmill+hand jog item.

Then came home and studiedddd. Hahaha, I guess that's the first time when I'm really studying. 1 and a half hour of concentrated studying. If there is such word. Haha.

And now it's Fearless. 

Lately it's sorta a bit bumpy. I get frustrated easily and I tend to think the worst of any situation. I get impatient and irrational and it's just unfair coz I tend to crack at the wrong person. Hopefully she doesn't really notice. 

Now it's Elevator, which is a bit of a love-hate coz I am using the song as my Alarm. Haha.

Yesterday, I found out that it's POSSIBLE to get ALL A's throughout FIRST and SECOND year.


I got two conflicting responses.

One, I feel happy and motivated to know that it IS possible.

Two, I feel lousy coz my result last year wasn't that good, passed the Medic requirement but still~

This brings forth the issue of Usaha and Tawakkal.

Yes, if you were to ask me if I studied for my Sem 2 final exam, yes, I studiedddddddd.

Medsci was crazy giler susahhhhhhhhhh. Lots and lots of blank pages. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Expected a C or lower but alhamdulillah got a B.

Pop 102 was honestly much much better. I couldn't stop writing for the whole 2 hours coz Alhamdulillah the ideas keep flowing. I didn't miss any question though there was one or two sub-question I couldn't get through. I expected an A+ but got a B instead.
I'm quite sure I should ask for a recount of marks but somehow I didn't do it. Regret? I try not to.

Econs and Health Psych came out B+.


I'm still having problem with Tawakkal. Help me please?

I miss playing futsal. A lot.

Hopefully kak Zati can organise futsal again.

So that I can let them play with their new geng without feeling jealous that I'm not a guy.


I need the positive vibe.

Currently playing is Get it Right, Glee.

Spot on.

I miss Langkawi. Again.