Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Salam to all.

Finally! I am able to write.

Somehow the computers here keep blocking me from writing. Okay, was that an excuse? Hmm.. Okay, forget it.


busy busy busy. Or buat buat busy?

Good question.

So, I got myself involved with the Bersatu Games. Meaning: Weekly practice, pocket-burning 95nzd, and no more lazy Saturday morning.

My head is kinda pening with the new assignment. Struggling to find articles related to the question. Arghhhh!

Got the results of tests.

Chem: not okay. Don't depend too much on past years.
Pop 111: Don't be overconfident. And most importantly, don't sleep in class.
Pop 101: Alhamdulillah, quite okay. Next time, follow instruction and *HINT HINT* as Dee put it.
1st Pop 101 assignment: Needs improvement in terms of content. And referencing.

Mom sent me one via DHL and somehow it got stuck at the MAF. Grrrr!! And have to pay extra 168.75nzd!! Grrr!! But, alhamdulillah, insyaAllah it will arrive in one piece. And alhamdulillah mum didn't follow my suggestion to seludup minyak mestika (a type of minyak angin. very good brand!).

Ip Man 2.
BEST. TWO THUMBS UP. I don't know what else to say. You JUST have to watch it!!! SERIOUSLYYYYY! Recommended to everyone above 10 years old due to some acts of violence.

So far, my lab marks are somehow lingering at the average. Come on lahhh!! I need to pass my labs to pass the course!!

Alhamdulillah, Farah and I managed to make two trays of edible tiramisu cheesecake. Although I'm a bit disappointed of not winning the Pot Luck competition, seeing the trays 'licin' kinda made my day. ;)

I love all my lecturers, particularly Brent Copp- Chem, Jeorg Kistler- Bio, Fabiana Kubke- Bio, Rod Jackson- Pop 111, Judy Brittain - Chem, among others. I miss their lessons already!!

I gave birth to a 4-week-old baby embryo model last Friday at about 2pm, along with 63 other lab-mates of mine. My baby was pretty okay, but the brain section kinda looked odd. Will post a picture insyaAllah.

Yeay! Alhamdulillah, I got third place (although I don't think I deserve it) in the first Photosoc Field Trip (to Devonport) photo competition. I think my picture was chosen because I kinda followed the theme. But seriously, there are a lot of really nice pictures that should have won (they got expensive big big camerasssss maaaa..). InsyaAllah there'll be another Field Trip to Waitakere, somewhere at the beach. And there'll be an exhibition sometime in June. I'm still thinking whether or not to join. $$$ matters. Adoi.

Autumn Break.
I forgot to tell you of my adventure to Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, and Waitomo. InsyaAllah, when I have the mood, I'll tell ya! Now gotta go and do my assignment. Cheyy. haha.

Oh yeah.

Forgot to mention that I bought 5 Harry Potter books for 22nzd! Really Bargainlahhhhh!! Alhamdulillah, all in good condition although 2nd or 3rd hand. But who cares. haha.

Currently reaching towards the end of book 3.

See ya!

p/s: Greatest invention of all time? Nasi Lemak vending machine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg murahnya weh buku harry potter! jeless. cmne kau leh ada masa utk baca? buku medic dah khatam keee?! hahahah