Sunday, January 17, 2010

Progress report.

Salam to all.

There's not many progress with Uni thingy and MARA thingy.

But there's progress with shopping, mwahaha. (Alhamdulillah, bought 3 new pairs of jeans during a sale at Sogo last Monday with Athirah. Woot woot, 70%, 50% woohoo!)

Anyway, this are going to be my resolution (based on my experience at Taylor's in doing the direct opposite):
  1. Study SERIOUSLY EVERY night. <-- I am kinda sedih I didn't do this during my days at Taylor's.
  2. Record the topics I learnt everyday. Know the focus of the topic.
  3. Make notes while studying. DO NOT wait until a week before exam. Better yet, a day before the exam.
  4. Wake up early, sit in front. But DO NOT sleep.
  5. When there's no assignment, STUDY. Relax sket is allowed.
  6. Play during weekends and evenings.
  7. Do not get involve with TV series. Movies ok la.
  8. Tak tau, tanya. Jangan bodoh sombong.
YEAH! semangat haha!

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