Monday, May 7, 2012

Have to learn it still

Salam to all.

How are you today? Alhamdulillah for everything ey?

Yup, again, easier said than done.

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah (All Praise is to Allah).

Just got my 303 (Repro) test marks. What can I say? hmmm.. not exactly what I've hoped it would be. It's just one mark higher than my 313 (brain) test marks although it's waaaay easier than 313. I thought I could answer it well but if marks is the determinant, then I was wrong. 

What am I feeling at the moment? 

I don't know. Shocked is definitely one of them. Sad? A little bit. Whether the time I spent studying was useless? Nauzubillah min zalik (may Allah protect us from that).

It's just so hard to remind and keep reminding myself that for a Muslim, Effort is NOT equal to Result. Result is something that's been pre-determined by Allah. And only Doa (prayers) can change that with the permission of Allah.