Thursday, October 21, 2010

The last of Benjamin :(

Salam to all.

Last lecture for pop 102. :(

Really enjoyed the subject, an eye-opener indeed.

But then again, 2 assignments costs me my beauty sleep. =.='

Just submitted the assignment 2. Slept for only half an hour between 10pm and now, which is 12.21pm. Whoa, boleh la start training utk jadi TI lagi 5 thn! <---adeyh.. lambat lagi laa..

Sangat bersyukur Allah beri peluang ini. :)

I'm sooooooooo gonna miss lecture!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

love? :D

Salam to all.

I love the fact that learning MedSci can always make me go 'Subhanallah'.

Do you know that the diffusion distance in the alveoli of lungs is just 0.5micrometer?

Our red blood cell is already so tiny, 0.5micrometer is like one fifteenth of the red blood cell's diameter.




Innaka anta al-alim al-hakim.