Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Salam to all.

Okay, so maybe the title should be yesterday instead. It's already 1.16 am now.

Here is currently 5 hours ahead of Malaysia, effective 26th September.

So what's up lately?


yup, will give a full report, insyaAllah.

Spring Graduation. :D 27th September.

Kak Linda and Kak Teh's graduation. :)

Econs Test, jeng jeng jengggg! 7 hours ago.. it's still a yesterday right?

Healthpsych behavioural modification assignment. yeah.. I thought it's suppose to be submitted next monday but it turned out to be tomorrow!!!!!!

"Dear Medical School, please stop trying to kill us while teaching us how to save others.. Sincerely, Med students"

hahahaha. Loved that one a lot!

Tomorrow, GST's gonna rise. Maraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I need my money please?? :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Salam to all.

Pesanan dari ibu kak Munirah Safian kepadanya yang saya rasa adalah seperti pesanan setiap ibu kepada anaknya.

"kakak, bila kakak rasa nak pakai apa2 baju, fikir dulu samaada kakak malu x nak bawa baju tu menghadap Allah masa solat. Sebab pakaian menutup aurat ialah pakaian solat"

Ya Allah, jadikanlah kami hambaMu yang menutup aurat dengan sebetul-betulnya dan masukkanlah kami dalam kalangan orang yang takut kepadaMu (bertaqwa).


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Salam to all.

The master plan:

3 big tests.

oh yeah.

Today + Tonite : Finish up 1st round of Pophealth 102.

Wednesday : Healthpsych 3 chapters + MedSci Repro

Thursday : Healthpsych 3 chapters + Medsci Repro + Medsci Brain

Friday : Healthpsych 1 chapter + Pophealth 102

Saturday : Healthpsych 1 chapter + Pophealth 102

Sunday : Healthpsych 3 chapters + Medsci Heart

Monday : recap Medsci Brain + Medsci Autonomic + Medsci Repro + Healthpsych 3 chapters

Tuesday : Recap Pophealth + recap Medsci Heart + Healthpsych 1 chapter + recap all healthpsych

Wednesday : Pop health Test + Medsci Test + recap healthpsych

Thursday : Healthpsych test

Ya Allah, kurniakanlah keberkatan masa belajar kami.
