Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meeting with MARA!

Salam to all.

MARA sponsored students at Uni of Auckland, both seniors, juniors and everyone in between!

MARA would love to see their students next Friday (30th July!)

So please make yourself available sometime during midday.

InsyaAllah the exact time and place will be announced soon.

I know maybe just a few people will read this, but well. I have nothing to lose.


datang jangan tak datanggggg.. *mana tau boleh mintak duit lebih ker?*

Monday, July 19, 2010


Salam to all.

Is it better to have or not to have an addiction?

Monday, July 5, 2010


Salam to all.

Time and tide waits for no man. 

Jangan tunggu lama-lama.

Tunggu apa?

Belajar dari sekarang.

Yeahhhhhhhhhh, tahun depan bertemu di medan Dunny insyaAllah! 

Payback time, mwahahaha!

Astaghfirullah Al-aziim. Farah cakap tak baik berdendam. 

Baiklah cik Farah. ;)

Oh God, If I don't get what I like, please make me like what I get. amiin. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Salam to all.

The calm after the storm.

Sometimes it's just too quiet.

p/s: wish you are here Romeo. sobs. I love the fact that you're big and fluffy and so huggable but I hate the fact that I cannot bring you here. :'(