Monday, December 28, 2009

MARA ku sayang.

Salam to all.

Who is the MARA officer that's in charge of uni matters for Taylorians?
Oh god, I have no idea.

I did a stupid thing, to sms kak lynn. Sheesh, sangatla tak professional kan? And what am I hoping for? Her sms? Sheesh.

Glad I didn't do another stupid thing, to courier the Airport transfer form and the Next of Kin form without completely filling in all the required infos.

MARA ku sayang, tolonglah jawab telefon.. Tolongggggg!
I need to ask you what's next what's next what's next! And well, the most important question, What now?

And Carolllllll, I need to talk to youuuuuu!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Three days of running.

Salam to all.

21st December.
Monday: Met Carol at Selset to ask about my application status. Alhamdulillah, got the news that Auckland accepted me. Haih, the way she said it kinda made my blood pressure rise. Hoho. She told me that I must close the BIG gap, and I must really focus in my 1st year as it will determine whether I will get into Medicine Year 2 or balik kampung tanam padi jagung. Sent the application for Sijil Kelakuan Baik and incomplete Student Visa app form. Medical certificate cannot hand in yet because I got a MINOR, I repeat, a MINOR abnormality. Sheesh. Ok, ok, no complain there. I'm just so lucky to get into Auckland and I'm not complaining. Nope. So, I must go back to Penang for 2nd blood test.

22nd December.
Tuesday: Got a call from Carol, saying she wanted photocopies of my SACE result. The call was around 3.40pm. Her commanding voice made me very 'cuak' or 'gelabah ayam' or direct translation into English 'chicken-like agitated'. Haha. Ok, ignore that. Anyway, she wanted me to courier it today (tuesday). I called dad and he's all the way in town, which will take him quite a while to reach home *my residential area can be considered as rural*. Called mom, luckily her boss was in good mood and allowed her to cabut come back early. She drove me to the post office and I ran.. hoping to catch the 'waktu kutipan terakhir : 4.30pm'. But well, what do you know. Starting from 1st December 2009, the 'waktu kutipan terakhir' for Pos Express is at 3.00pm. Bummer. Sorry Carol, I tried my best!

23rd December.
Wednesday : Went to the same clinic I did my Medical Check-up. The doctor said, the 'abnormal' blood count is very marginal and so, no 2nd blood test is required. Yeay!! Jimat 15 ml darah aku. Then, we looked for a DHL office. Called the DHL hotline, got the Penang branch's number and dialled. No answer. Again no answer. After a series of no one entertaining the call, Dad got a lil bit frustrated. We've been driving here and there looking for the office but couldn't find it. Grrr... Then, we picked mom up from work and she direct us to the office. Glad to have you mom. :) So, I couriered my approved medical certificate and other things required for my visa app to Carol.

24th December.
Farah helped me to pay RM 25 for courier thingy to Selset. Thank you so muchh! And today, I got my unconditional offer. Alhamdulillah. :D

'Rabbana yassirna wala tu a'ssirna ya karim. Allahumma sallim sallim'.

May Allah grant all of us the best of everything.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The First Run

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Salam to all.

My journey of becoming a doctor starts here. No, wait. Continues.

Just got my SACE Result yesterday. I couldn't recall how I feel. Shocked. So grateful. Slightly disappointed. Mixed up like a rojak.

That marks the end of my SAM days. Taylor's had been a great place to study, try new things and make friends. And the end of something is the start of something else. And what better way to celebrate the start of my run up a heal than to create a new blog. (Okay, so there are better ways...)

This will be my photo album of what I am going to face in the next six years.

Come run with me!